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God Delivers


The following is a snippet from today's sermon on Luke 13:10-17 by Pastor Mike. Be sure to check out the full sermon video on Facebook at and

on our church website,

"When God calls us, we can be sure something AMAZING is about to happen. Jesus turned to this woman, this bent over, crippled woman, who followed her faith to stand in front of Him, and He said, 'Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.' And when He touched her, she immediately straightened up and praised God. She gave Him the glory. I think that might make for a good catch phrase or t-shirt slogan - Straighten Up

and Praise God!

This woman's infirmity, as Luke called it, was a spiritual one that also had physical effects. When Jesus sets us free, it is from whatever bondage we have. It could be spiritual or physical or addictions or lack of faith or misplaced faith or any myriad of issues.

No matter what it is ... Jesus will. set. us. free.

If you haven't taken that step toward Jesus and the freedom he has for you, I sincerely urge you to do it. The crippled woman had Satan's spirit in her for 18 years, and Jesus ended her suffering immediately. It's as if He said to her, 'You've suffered long enough." And I say to you right now, you've suffered long enough. Whether it's 18 years or 18 minutes or 18 decades, it's long enough.

Through scripture, Jesus is calling you. It's your move. I guarantee we will celebrate with you!"

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